Sleep and Sound Sensitivity for Furry Friends
According to PetMeds.com, a key pet health resource for animal owners and veterinarians, your beloved furry friends can suffer from bouts of, or even chronic insomnia. What is the cause? Many veterinarians and pet experts say the leading cause of insomnia in pets is that something is causing them pain. If they can’t sleep at night – check first with the local vet – they are also likely to be exhibiting other symptoms.
Insomnia is often a symptom – and not a disease. However if left untreated too long, it could be the cause of the disease, emotional or physical. For example, we now know that animals, pets can also exhibit feelings of depression and anxiety. Rescue animals and newly weaned pets may live with this more often than pets that have safely acclimated to their surroundings and family. Rhythmic sounds that provide comfort such as a rotating fan or white noise, can help ease anxiety along with attentiveness and care to help reinforce feelings of safety and security.
Other Reasons for Sleeplessness:
*Not enough exercise during the day (and too much energy at night, as a result).
*Prescribed medications such as corticosteroids (e.g. prednisone), often used to treat a variety of autoimmune or allergic disorders.
*Medical conditions that may cause frequent urination (more common in older animals).
How to Help:
Depending on the problem, some veterinarians may prescribe medication. It’s important to seek help from a medical professional, first. In the case of an overly excited or anxious animal, calming sounds that drown out noise disturbances can help. The ‘LectroFan, by Adaptive Sound Technologies, Inc. provides non-looping *white noise sound that blocks out noise disturbances; helping the process of falling asleep and then, staying asleep.
Ensure they have a bedtime routine and are not overly anxious before sleeping. Just like humans, pets need routine – they thrive on it more often than we do, so it is important to prepare them for bed.
For more information about the ‘LectroFan, visit: www.lectrofan.com, or purchase on Amazon.com.
* White noise is consistent noise that comes out across all hearable frequencies, creating a “masking” effect by blocking out disruptive ambient noise. (4)
Helpful articles:
Sleep Problems in Dogs – Canine Insomnia—Professor’s House: https://www.professorshouse.com/sleep-disorders-in-dogs/
Insomnia – Can a Dog Have Trouble Sleeping? – Pet Meds: http://bit.ly/1M4K1oP
Sources: (1-2) Professor’s House: (3) Pet Meds: (4) Popular Science Magazine
Photo Source: Dog & Sleep: Pets4HomesUK

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